Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sorry ;(

sorry guyssss iv got exams going on now so -.- cant blog -.- and i failed my last exams and my parents meeting was a shitty disaster so....ya my mom is disconnecting me from society -.- and my privet and public social life . fml

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Make up

im a big fan of make up and make up guru's on youtube, like michelle phan.juciey star 07 ect.... so i heard alooottt about this awsome and cheap brand called 'costal scentes' and they deliver to kuwait, and i was so shocked from the prices, e.g theres this realllllly good blending brush for 0.500 kd! i convered the us price to kuwait and it wass so cheap and i ask alot bout it, but i wanna know what u guys think?

Sunday, November 14, 2010


got my report and it was crap, oo this time walllla el modariseen 7ateen 7ata 3alay, usually i say that as a lie basss wallllaa this time its true! -.- i got grounded for 5 hour OF HELL!!!So planned nothing for eid ;s, what do u have planned ;p

Thursday, November 4, 2010

so fricken excitedddddddddddddddddddddd

taco bell is coming to kuwait, yarab nafs america!!!!!!!!!!!!!!